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COM Express Module
(컴익스프레스 모듈)

COM Express 모듈 또는 COMe 또는 COMe 보드라고도 하는 컴퓨터 온 모듈은 PCIe, SATA, USB, 오디오, 그래픽 및 이더넷의 공통 I/O 인 CPU, 메모리를 특징으로하는 고도로 집적된 컴퓨터 보드입니다. 포트웰의 컴퓨터 모듈에는 COM-HPC, COM-Express Type-7, COM-Express Type-6 Basic, COM-Express type-6 Compact, COM-Express Type-10 Mini 등이 포함됩니다.

COM-Express® Basic (Type 6 / 7)

포트웰코리아 Portwell PCOM-B659_3_edited.png

COM-Express® Basic (125 x 95mm):

COMe basic size form factor (125 x 95mm) and types 6 and 7 pin out.

The Type 6 pin-out of COM-Express® Module is a standard broad I/O interfaces defined by PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG) to provide standardized module interfaces including storage, graphic control, video Interfaces (LVDS, VGA & DDI) and USB 3.0 to meet different application requirements from various vertical market.

COM-Express® Compact (Type 6 / 7)

포트웰 Portwell PCOM-B65A-3_edited.png

COM-Express® Compact (95 x 95mm): COMe Compact form factor (95 x 95mm) and type 6 pin-out.

포트웰코리아 Portwell PCOM-B659_1_edited.png

The Type 6 pin-out of COM-Express® Module is a standard broad I/O interfaces defined by PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group (PICMG) to provide standardized module interfaces including storage, graphic control, video Interfaces (LVDS, VGA & DDI) and USB 3.0 to meet different application requirements from various vertical market.

COM-Express® Mini (Type 10)

포트웰코리아 Portwell PCOM-BA03_2_edited.png

COM-Express® Mini: COMe Mini form factor (84 x 55mm) and Type 10 pin-out.

포트웰코리아 Portwell PCOM-BA03_1_edited.png

TThe Type 10 COM-Express Module pin-out definition in the mini form factor (84 x 55mm) is defined for low-power platforms to match the feature and performance requirements while maintaining the support of graphic and optimized I/O for small form factor or portable devices. 

Q7 & SMARC Module

포트웰코리아 Portwell 산업용보드 WQ7-M31-01_edited.

QSeven is derived from "quadratic" as noted by the Q and seven refers to the 7 x 7 cm (70 x 70mm) size of the module.

Evaluation board (Carrier board)

Portwell’s COM-Express®, Qseven and SMARC development (carrier) boards help customer to evaluate and establish customer’s own application programs before start the carrier board design. It can be used as a reference design to reduce customer’s design effort and early evaluation for the performance and computing reliability.

포트웰 Portwell PCOM-C60B-v1_edited.png

COM-Express® development/Carrier board Type 6

포트웰 Portwell PSMC-C301-v_edited.png

SMARC ® development/Carrier board

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